About Cokido
Cokido is a bottom-up solution for parents seeking affordable childcare. By connecting families who live in the same neighborhoods, the platform enables to install participative childcare. Cokido seeks connections with local governments and institutions in order to provide well-equipped places to have kids play together. Our solution has been developed in Belgium, where hundreds of families report the positive impact of using our solution.
We believe that our social innovation is relevant in all countries. The daily stress of "running a family" is one of the most underestimated problems. Many children grow up with little network/community and unfortunately, society shows a lowering trend in informal childcare (grandparents work longer, and family doesn’t live around the corner anymore to help out). Meanwhile, parents are confronted with the high cost of childcare. Our solution benefits all parents and kids, whether they are rich or poor, single parents or in a relationship, having a big or a small network, well known with the neighbors or newcomers. Cokido brings parents together by means of a very accessible app, enabling participative childcare for kids aged 3 – 12 years old in school holidays, Wednesday afternoons, and weekends, or whenever the need for participative childcare comes up.
The model is simple: by becoming part of a group, each parent takes up 1 day on 5 the care for the kids of 5 families. In this way, a week is easily covered, and kids can play together in a trusted environment. Parents only pay a small membership fee to become part of Cokido.
The more families are joining, the more new friendships will be built and the higher the resilience of parents & children growing up in communities.
Cokido, are you in?
Interested in starting a Cokido franchise in your country?
Please contact hallo@cokido.org.